Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy July 4th!

It is so nice to have a day off! We are full steam ahead in preparing for the upcoming foundation events.

July 19th is our Dinner and Silent Auction. I am so grateful that the community has responded to this new event. We have 27 tables available for the dinner and almost all of them are already hosted. We certainly didn't expect to sell out our first year, but it seems that this may become a reality! We are truly grateful for God's blessing and your support. SO much planning has been involved in pulling off this event. Please pray in the coming weeks for the final preparations.

Just around the corner is the 4th Annual Golf Tournament.
August 20th at Musgrove Mill in Clinton, SC
We have availability to host 18 - 20 teams, so please make us aware if you are interested in placing a foursome in the tournament. We are also accepting raffle items. Items that are usually donated: golf equipment....bags, clubs, towels, gift certificates for golf outings, gift certificates for golf shops, artwork, signed sports equipment, restaurant gift certificates, etc.

Announcement about profit sharing:
We have tickets available for sale for a day at Pump-It-Up...inflatable zone. August 16th from 4 - 5:30pm in Greenville, SC
Then, we will be heading over to Chick Fil A on Woodruff Road for dinner. Chick Fil A is donating a portion of their proceeds to LHF! Hope that you will join us! :)

These are the upcoming events that we hope you all will be praying for. Starting this month through the end of November the foundation will be very busy. Please pray for Lauren's endurance and our strength.

Poor little baby, she is battling her 4th case of pneumonia this year. She is completing her 2nd week of antibiotics. Her progress has been steady in the last few days and she seems much improved! Her pediatrician was able to hear nice breathe sounds in her lower lobes. We feel certain that the deterioration in Lauren's ability to swallow is what is causing the reoccurring pneumonia. Even though Lauren is tube feed, she still has to protect her airway from secretions. It just doesn't seem that her brain is giving her the message that her airway has been compromised until she has already aspirated.

So, please pray for our girl! This is a harsh reality of her disease that we did not anticipate this early. Lauren will turn 10 years old this month! :)

Many of you are so polite to ask about my mom. Her cancer is progressing. She is taking 3 different types of chemo every other week. All of which seem to be holding her numbers steady. She is very weak and sick a lot. She is the most determined woman that I have ever met. She has battled this disease for over 2 years now and still has an incredible drive and desire to live! I pray for God's grace and HIS presence for her in the coming months.

Last but not least, I celebrate our INDEPENDENCE today! Praise God, for HIS love of our land! Thank you men and women who sacrifice for our freedom.
Forgive us Lord, when we take this for granted. Please forgive our enemies who try to compromise this freedom. Help us to all see life as a gift given from You. If only we could see each individual as You created it, with Your purpose and desire for each, then we could see beyond our differences.

Thank you God, for all your blessings! :)